Thrushcross Grange
The most important building in the neighbourhood; the home of the Lintons and, later on, owned by Heathcliff. He rented it out and the leasing of it by Mr Lockwood begins the book.

Layout of Thrushcross Grange

Emily Brontë does not describe Thrushcross Grange with the same detail that she applies to Wuthering Heights.
Thrushcross Grange lies within a large park, with a two-mile (three kilometer) walk from the main house to the porter's lodge by the entrance. It is a four mile (six and a half kilometer) walk to Wuthering Heights which lies to the north. Wuthering Heights cannot be seen from the Grange although Penistone Crags beyond can.
The park is unusally large for an untitled family like the Lintons: Cathy rarely leaves it for the first thirteen years of her life.
To see an enlarged view of the the map above left, see The Moors page. The picture on the right shows the kind of location that the Grange would occupy. Click on it to see a larger version.
The building has numerous projecting sections and surrounds a courtyard that has a high wall around it. In front of the house are the formal gardens.
Above photos are of Cricket St Thomas in Somerset
The Rooms
Some of the rooms mentioned are:
A drawing room where the young Heathcliff and Catherine first see the Lintons which has crimson carpets, chairs and tables, a white ceiling bordered with gold, and glass-droplet chandeliers
A parlour where Heathcliff meets them on his return which looks out on the garden, the park and the valley of Gimmerton. The moor is in the distance and Wuthering Heights (the hill) can be seen although Wuthering Heights (the house) is hidden on the other side. It is on the first floor and a window on the opposite side also overlooks the courtyard.
The kitchen is part of a wing and the rear of the building is used when the Grange is not occupied except by servants. The kitchen leads directly into the entrance hall and has a door into the yard.
There is also the hall, the library (which may be another name for the parlour), Edgar and Catherine's bedroom, Isabella's room, Ellen's room.
Upstairs, there is a study with a fire (which is used by Lockwood) as well as the main bedrooms used by the family in residence.
Careful study of the movements of the characters suggests that the Grange may have had three storeys although I left it with two in the model above (like Shibden Hall).
The Thrushcross Grange that Emily describes is rather unusual. It sits within an enormous park, two miles (3.2 km) from the porter's lodge to the house itself. By comparison, the park at Chatsworth (the home of the Duke of Devonshire) is over two miles (3.2 km) long but, as the house sits near the middle, it is no more than a mile and a half (2.4 km) from the lodge to the house. Considering that Edgar Linton apparently did not even have a title, it seems rather odd. There is no building close to Haworth which has a park anywhere near this size but a few houses which might have inspired some elements. Shibden Hall (see below) has several features which match the descriptions in the novel:
...the moon looked over the high wall of the court, causing undefined shadows to lurk in the corners of the numerous projecting portions of the building.
It also has gardens which are passed to reach the road.

Shibden Hall courtyard
Ponden Hall
Ponden Hall, near Stanbury, is often cited as the model for Thrushcross Grange. It was the home of the Heaton family and had an extensive library which may well have been seen by the Brontës who visited it regularly. The main body of the house was built in 1634 and extensively rebuilt in 1801. It is about two kilometers from Top Withens (see Wuthering Heights) at OS reference SD 990370 (altitude 245 meters). However, it is far less grand than Thrushcross, more similar in size and shape to Wuthering Heights itself (as noted on the Wuthering Heights page), and does not sit in any sort of park. A location map of Ponden Hall is here.
Link to the Ponden Hall page with larger pictures and detailsShibden Hall
Shibden Hall near Halifax (OS reference SE 106257, altitude 143 meters), as mentioned above, is much closer to the sort of grand house imagined. Emily would probably have visited it while teaching at Law Hill near the town. A Victorian map showing Shibden Hall can be seen on the Halifax page. A location map of Shibden is here.
Link to the Shibden Hall page with larger pictures and details
A GoogleMap showing Wuthering Heights and Emily Brontë locations can be seen by clicking on the image left or here.
Note: the 3D models of the buildings were created in Google Sketchup