Copyright 2025
The Reader's Guide to Wuthering Heights


About Me/Contact Me who I am and how to contact me The Almanack day-to-day events in the book A Brontë Genealogy detailed family tree of the Brontë family The Calendars calendars of the years in the book Catherine Earnshaw the heroine of the story Cathy Linton the only daughter of Edgar and Catherine Chapter List brief summaries of each chapter Critics' Reviews what some people thought of Wuthering Heights Downloads various files that you can download Edgar Linton Catherine's husband Ellen Dean the faithful servant Emily Brontë the reclusive genius behind the novel Emily Brontë Timeline a graphical chart of Emily and her siblings' lives (Flash format) Famous Scenes famous scenes in the novel and where to find them FAQ Page common questions about Wuthering Heights Feedback Page contact me Frances Hindley's wife Genealogy of the Book the family tree of the Lintons and the Earnshaws Glossary meanings of some of the more obscure words in the book Halifax locations in the area on a Victorian map Hareton Earnshaw Hindley's badly-treated son Haworth locations in the area on a Victorian map Heathcliff the central character of the novel Hindley Earnshaw Catherine's brother Home Page what it says Inspirations what may have inspired the novel Interpreting the Timeline how I decided upon the dates Isabella Linton Heathcliff's unfortunate wife Joseph the Earnshaw's ancient servant Joseph's Speech understanding what he says Legal Aspects of the Story how Heathcliff won the houses Links/Bibliography to other Wuthering Heights-related sites and books Linton Heathcliff Heathcliff and Isabella's weak son Mr Lockwood the outsider Minor Characters Zillah, Doctor Kenneth and the rest Moorland Pictures photos of the landscape around Haworth The Moors the setting for the novel Musings my miscellaneous thoughts on the novel Narrators a list of the narrators in the novel Other Locations Other locations associated with Emily or the novel Poetry Selected poetry by Emily Brontë Ponden Hall reputed inspiration for Thrushcross Grange (or maybe Wuthering Heights) Ponden Kirk Penistone Crags Portraits of Emily just about every picture of Emily Brontë – genuine, disputed, and mistaken Pronunciations how to say the names Publications books produced by this website Quotations famous quotes from the book Read the Novel ways to read Wuthering Heights Sanger's Structure essay on Wuthering Heights Sanger's Timeline the dates as worked out by C P Sanger Search search every page including the novel Shibden Hall possibly the inspiration for Thrushcross Grange Summary short summary of the novel Thrushcross Grange the Lintons' home Thrushcross Grange location what the Grange's location might look like Timeline the main events, the dates and ages Top Withens Page possible inspiration for the location of the  Heights TV/Movies TV and movie adaptations of the book (and the Brontës' life) Visiting the Area touring the Wuthering Heights locations Wuthering Heights the Earnshaws' home Wuthering Heights Construction 1 phase 1 of the building's possible construction Wuthering Heights Construction 2 phase 2 of the building's possible construction Wuthering Heights Tour interactive tour