Copyright 2024
The Reader's Guide to Wuthering Heights


On this page you will find various things that you can download about Wuthering Heights or links to pages which have downloadable items.

The Genealogy of Wuthering Heights

Here are two A4 PDF versions of the Wuthering Heights family tree as shown on the Genealogy page. These can be printed out for display or hand outs.

Clicking on the link will normally open the PDF in your browser. To download it, right-click (control-click on the Mac) on the link and choose "Save link as", "Save target as", or whatever your browser says.

The Genealogy of the Brontë Family

This is an A4 PDF version of the Brontë family tree as shown on the Brontë Genealogy page. This can be printed out for display or hand outs.


To download the selected wallpaper for your computer, right-click (or control-click) on the links below the images (eg. "800x600") and choose "Save link as..." or "Save target as..." (or anything similar).

Determining the Dates

When creating the Almanack, I examined the novel closely to try and narrow down the dates of the various events. I have created a PDF which shows how I went about this process and this can be viewed/downloaded here.

Download the Novel

The novel itself is available in several formats to download from the Read the Novel page.